jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Sabor a mar en la revista Monocle

Al lado de los más reconocidos productos españoles y las aclamadas tapas, descubrimos en la revista Monocle que tienen un sitio las algas de Porto-Muiños!

"When Rosa Mirás and Antonio Muiños decided to diversify their wild mushroom conserves business in 1998, they looked to the surrounding landscape for ideas. Galicia is on the sea, "there were already plenty of people selling tinned shellfish", Mirás recalls. "But there was plenty of algae, and no one was selling that". Twelve years later, the green stuff provides Porto-Muiños a €1.5m business. Its 15 varieties are served fresh in some of the best restaurants in Spain, and its dehydrated and canned products are sold in supermarkets and delis. The company has recently introduced a new line of prepared foods."

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